Harp > Exams > Grade 3

Exams - Fiddle, Accordion and Harp

These are the RCS exam books for Fiddle, Accordion and Harp from scotlandsmusic.com with an excellent 40% and more discount, ready to help you learn, practice and excel on your instrument.

These are the selected pieces for the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Traditional Music Exams 2014 - 2023 expertly graded and edited by leading Scottish players. These have an attractive and varied range of styles, creating a collection that provides an excellent source of repertoire.

The graded pieces are suitably set for various levels of the Scottish schools music exam system with an excellent choice of interesting tunes to learn.

For information on future TMGE exams please
contact: https://www.rcs.ac.uk/traditional-music-graded-exams/

Total matches: 23

Release - Fraya Thomsen's eBook and digital album

Release - Fraya Thomsen's eBook and digital album


Fraya Thomsen's Harp eBook - Release

Fraya compiled and edited her exciting new book "Release" which was launched to great acclaim at th…


A Nochd Gur Faoin mo Chadal Dhomh

Lovely harp arrangement by Charlotte Petersen


Ca' the Yowes

Lovely harp arrangement by Jennifer Port.


Ca' the Yowes

Lovely harp arrangement by Jennifer Port.


Caidil Gu La

Lovely arrangement by Wendy Stewart


Chocolate-Coated Clouds

Lovely harp composition by Fiona Rutherford


Jamie's Jig

Lovely harp composition by Patsy Seddon


Lady Montgomery

Lovely harp arrangement by Heather Yule.


Mile Marbhaisg air a' Ghaol

Lovely harp arrangement by Gillian Fleetwood
